

If you are interesting in placing a bid on one or more horses, you have two options. The most easy way is to place an online bid, but it’s also possible to bid by telephone.

Online bidding
Before you can bid online, you must first register. After registration you can follow the auction closely. Countdown clocks continuously indicate how much time you have left to place a bid.

You can place your bid by entering the amount or by clicking the plus button. Then click on “Place bid” to finalize your bid.

If you have any questions about online bidding, please contact us (+31(0)135091666) or send an email to info@excellentdressagesales.com .


Bidding by telephone
For those who cannot place a bid online it is possible to bid by telephone. To make a bid by telephone you need to register yourself before the auction. We ask for a guarantee of EUR 5.000. The deposit is directly deducted from the purchase or refunded immediately after the auction. You can register by sending an e-mail to info@excellentdressagesales.com.

Please send the following details:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Horse(s) you are interested and catalog number(s).